Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Turn the page, end the chapter, close the book...???

The latest update from the "Galen Job Watch."
Galen and the rest of the Admissions counsellors at OU are for all intents and purposes laid off. They have been encouraged to apply for the new "field representative" positions the university is moving to in July, but Galen feels this is God's way of showing him out of his current situation. Galen has decided not to apply for further employment at OU. His last day is June 26.

This was not a decision made lightly or hastily. We both fully appreciate the risk being taken, of leaving employment, stepping into a recession-burdened economy, without having anything else lined up. While staying at OU until he has another job makes a lot of sense in many ways, it also means precious little time to devote to actually finding the new position, which the past few months have already shown Galen. Plus, to be frank, he just can't take it anymore. It's time to go.

Galen honestly and truly believes God's Hand is in this step he's taking. I have seen him more at peace the past couple of days than I've seen him be in the past few months. I trust him, and I trust Him, too. God will use this time for His glory, one way or another. Galen has already sent out about half-a-dozen resumes around the country and has a list of about twenty more places to send some to. He is networking as much as he possibly can. We are holding ourselves open to any and every possibility. We've even looked into foreign missions, which admittedly, I'm more excited about than he is right now. :-)

But, all I can conclude with is, the Lord will provide. We'll see what happens. We very much appreciate any prayers and support right now. If you want to pray for anything immediate and specific, there is one job in particular Galen has applied for which he'd VERY much like to get, but they haven't called him back for an interview yet.

We're sad. We're hopeful. We're anxious. We're praising. I'm not sure right now, sitting here today what the right analogy is for this. Life is too vast a tale, constantly in the rough draft-writing stage, to fully realize whether we are are turning another page, ending a chapter, or closing an entire volume. I think only hindsight will provide that INsight.


I know, I know, I know...
I've looked at a calendar recently.
It's June. This is my first blog in two months.
Don't start. I know.
Excuses? I have none. I just simply kept putting this off. Things have been going on. (And how.) Occasionally the thought would zip across my wee little brain, "I need to update the blog." And then, I'd go do something else.
Although I guess technically, I do have ONE excuse: For about two weeks our computer crashed, and even if I completely devoted every ounce of my mind, strength and will to logging on and blogging... I couldn't have.
On second thought, though, if THAT determined, I could have borrowed someone else's computer, or gone to the library or something.
OK, I guess I don't have any excuse.

For what it's worth, I'm back. Ta-da.