Sunday, September 6, 2009

Let's Do the Time Warp Again!

It HAS been a time warp. Just two postings after promising myself to keep this blog up on a more consistent basis, I am back after an unintentional hiatus. It was June five minutes ago, I swear. And now it's early September. I don't remember seeing the cosmic worm hole I obviously fell into, transporting me instantly two and a half months in the future. All I know is, I was in my kitchen in Ottawa on a beautiful June day, blogging away about Galen leaving his job in a matter of mere days... and NOW I'm sitting in my den in Lindsborg on a beautiful September afternoon, blogging about how all of those aforementioned plans went to pot.

Although, on second thought... I don't think I can get into the past two and half months in just a few paragraphs. It wouldn't be fair to a potential reader to REALLY get into what happened. I can give more Reader's Digest Condensed Versions, fer sher. Galen's job in Ottawa ended, not at the end of June, but the end of July. The administration kicked up a huge fuss over his announcement in June to take the lay-off and leave, and their reaction was to dangle a severance package over his head to bleed out one more month of work from him.
While all of this was going on, Galen interviewed here in Lindsborg. They loved him, he loved them, and a new job opportunity was born. To the end point - we loaded up the truck and we moved to The 'Borg. (You can sing that sentence to "The Beverly Hillbillies" if you want. We have.) And it's going okay. It's a whole new world of opportunity. Some day I might just spew forth on my continuous astonishment over Life's twists and turns. I never thought I'd live in a town this size. But it's a nice town. We've been impressed with everything. And we've been blessed. More details will emerge, I've no doubt, over the ensuing months of reflection and analysis. Just bear with me.

The individual Bunning updates I think I'll save for another blog. I have a small person here needing my attention, anyway.

To wrap up... watch out for Worm Holes.

1 comment:

  1. L-borg is an awesome place to live. I'm actually a tad bit jealous. In my book, if I were ever ever to move back to the Land of Dorothy (a friend of mine btw), Lborg or Lawrence would be on the top of my list. They are just that cool. Lots of art, music and culture. I know my brother and sister-in-law have mentioned Lborg as a place they would love to raise their son as it's similar in size to the hometown we grew up in but easily close to towns of bigger size. Embrace it!
